Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - Evening

Mom is home!!! She was discharged from St. Mary's earlier today. The only restrictions she has are the ones she sets. She is free to eat anything she wants. However, her appetite remains a couple of bites here and there. She is also free to undertake any activity she feels up to. Right now, due to her weakness, that consists of getting in and out of bed.

The number and costs of the discharge meds were unbelievable. She probably takes 10 pills in the morning, another 5 at noon, another 5 in the afternoon, and another 7-8 at bedtime. All but 2 were new meds from when she was last at home. We don't know what people who aren't fortunate enough to have the insurance coverage Mom has do. The pharmacy bill for the meds I had filled tonight was almost $700.00 and that is after insurance paid their part.

Mom has an appointment next Thursday, November 13, 2008, morning to meet with the oncologist. We are preparing a list of questions to which we need answers in order to make the right decisions about treatment.

On a side note, I am so proud and excited! This blog has been quoted on another blog! Thanks to Stephanie WestAllen for her link to information about planning your own funeral. You can check it out at idealawg. We certainly plan on using some, if not all, of the suggestions. I will let you know how this party plays out.

Finally, please read the kind words from a friend of a friend of Mom's. "Lori, Even though you don't know me and I don't know you or your mother, I felt moved to let you know how very much I've learned from your blog, Updates on Carol. Lenora was good enough to share it with me since I always asked her about your mother in every email we exchanged and I've been reading on a daily basis.

First of all, you are amazing to do what you are doing and thanks to your nursing training, you are so complete with medical terms and explanations. Your reference to what the pain killers and antibiotics had caused made me aware of why my husband was having problems as well. He had surgery last Tuesday and took antibiotics and pain killers which you pointed out cause constipation then nausea. He had both and, thanks to you, I was able to offer him a bit of information.

My mother passed away in 1981 at the age of 69 from colon cancer and as I read about your mother, I think of mine. What strength it takes for a family to face all that comes with cancer. Please know you, your mother and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Mention of your 'Plan Your Own Funeral Party' brought tears to my eyes. Seems like a difficult thing to do yet one that will be beneficial to everyone concerned. I know my mother wanted to talk about her funeral more than what I could handle emotionally. Wish I would have been stronger for her. Your family is a beautiful example.

Lenora had asked that I send your mother the set of L.I.F.T. which I did one day last week. There is even a 'cartoon' strip drawn by a lady who works at WalMart -- A Smile For You and it is always Frogs. I know you said she adopted the frog as her inspiration.

May God Richly Bless Your Entire Family
Carol T"

This blog has become so much more than I ever thought it would. Your support is appreciated more than you will know.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Carol for your nice words. A. Lori is and has done an amazing job with this blog. I am the grandaughter and this has been painful experience. It often feels like our family faces death too often but we somehow pull together and get thru the rough times. Again, thank you for your prayers and kind words!


Anonymous said...


This is the first time that I have had the opportunity to view the blog since returning from Vegas. have done an amazing job, and what a great way for everyone to get the latest updates without having to bother you with a phone call.